Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Madisyn is home! She arrived home at 9:10 am on the dot! Chris had Lyza back in the "kiddie" room at the airport and when Maddy walked in she started (literally) spinning in circles screaming! It was so darn cute!!!! We are now home and she hasn't yet let her out of her sight.....poor Madisyn is trying to soak in all of her new bedroom and Lyza is just hanging at her side! We are getting ready to go to the library for movies after we eat a nice breakfasat of pancakes from Chris. My mom is coming down tonight to see maddy so we will either go to the fair or Lloyd pool. Undecided yet! What a joy to have her home!!!

For the first time in 5 weeks I didn't care when the phone rang at 5 am!! I didn't care that I got 0 hours of sleep and I got up, opened up all the curtains and was HAPPY!!!



Patti said...

Misty so glad that you've got your Maddy back home!

ANDREEA said...

Love your girls,and the baby kitten:))You have so beautiful pictures,everytime!!!!:))