Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Sweet "16" Madisyn!!!!

I never thought this day would come...... my baby, turning 16 yrs old!  Oh how bittersweet!!   She went from my cuddling little baby girl who never left my side to an independent young lady who (in her teen most do).....think they don't need their mommies for quite so much anymore,  Lordy what I would give to have age 5 back again!

I love you Madisyn Ronelle and am proud of the beautiful, talented young lady you have become!

All my love ~ mama

 Madisyn and cousin Kelci....three days apart, both 16 this week!!!


Unknown said...

Where did the time go? 16!?!? Driving!?!? Oh man!
Hope you enjoy your time together this summer.
Happy birthday Madz!

Jen Wright Designs said...

I cannot believe how fast time flies!!! I hope it was memorable an awesome!!!Hugs!