Monday, April 11, 2011


Oh I do not like Mondays. I don't know is just like any other day for me...but I don't like them anyway. Lyza has taken to pestering the dog is annoying to me, always!! The girl knows just how to push my buttons. She has also taken to hiding things... ~ such as her daddy's keys the other day right before he left for work. He later found them under the large rug in our living room. Then we made our own laundry detergent and the soap bar we had to shred was suddenly missing.... we found it in the butter compartment of the fridge a few days later. Life has seemed so dreary lately....all the rain??? I am assuming these gloomy days are doing it.....however, it clearly is probably my state of mind. Seems that I finally get one problem in check, another comes along. Please pray for Chris' grandfather, they just discovered he has liver cancer. Madisyn will be home in two weeks..... I am thankful for that! I miss the girl! So....let's get this Monday over with and start a new fresh day!

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