Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am booking fall photo sessions for this weekend and the following weekend! Please visit my photography website at http://www.walkbyfaithphoto.com/ for details and please email me if you wish to make an appt. for your family or children!!

What a slow day it has been!!! BUT....we got our wireless internet hooked up tonight...so I can type while watching TV, laying in bed, in the yard.....YIPPEE....and everything uploads so much faster for me! I am a happy girl!

I woke up with terrible aching feet today and couldn't even walk. This has been going on for a LONG time...but I go to the Dr. tomorrow....I go to the Lab, for two x -rays....One for my spleen to see if it is still enlarged from the mono, hopefully not so I can get back to the gym and one on my foot to see if what is going on with the bone in the side of my right foot. I then see the Rheumotologist, then the Gastronologist to go over all my results and see what my options are at this point. Hopefully I get good news....other than being SO sore in the mornings, I feel great.

Below are photos of the family, Madisyn in her new halloween costume and a bouquet of wildflowers that Chris and Lyza picked for Maddy and I while they were waiting on us outside of the airport. They look awesome on my fireplace mantle!! So sweet....my favorite kind of flowers.....wildflowers and free!! And the thoughtfulness of it! I love those sweet surprises!

Happy Tuesday to Everyone!

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