Friday, December 24, 2010

Photos from Christmas Eve!

Most of our day in photos! We had to miss one family gathering due to the weather when Chritmas Eve Service let out...but we will catch up with them over the weekend. We were able to come home, open our jammies.....put them on and enjoy our traditional "Annabelles Wish" and "Christmas Family Vacation" movies and part of "Christmas Story".........we are now just anticipating morning when Santa has left his goodies......boy and do I have one four year old WAY excited! It is going to be great....and I know big sister Maddy, although she is trying not to show it so much, is just as excited!!! I love the joy and excitement on the faces of my girls. That is the best gift in itself to me......and Chris said this white winter wonderland outside is more than he could have ever hoped we are all pretty happy, relaxed and stress free in the Melvin household tonight! The girls are all snug in their beds.......and mama and papa are trailing right behind them!!

Blessings to you all this Christmas! May you find peace, joy, love and understanding under your tree this year....and put it to the best use you can!

~~ Christopher, Misty, Madisyn and Louisa

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