Saturday, May 31, 2008


It is Saturday and it has been a full day again! Lyza woke up at 3 am this morning......wide awake, ready for breakfast and ready to play! Wow...that hasn't happened in a long time. Her little body must really be confused! After our adventure to the waterpark yesterday "Adventure Island" I have sworn off theme parks for many years. I don't know what struck Lyza...or what happened but she all of a sudden threw herself on the concrete and started wigging out....screaming, kicking, crying....she had her hands in her mouth flailing around like a madwoman and even made her gums bleed. Luckily Chris was nearby and so we headed straight for the truck where she proceeded to throw the fit.....I really, truly do not know if she was acting up or if something was really was terrible and I had to hold her all the way home.....I just held her really tight and kept her little head to my chest in the back seat and sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and The Itsy Bitsy Spider over and over. Everytime I thought the "fit" was about to pass...I would try and put her in the carseat and she would start again. We even pulled off the road at one point. We had a crying mom, dad, sister and baby.....I felt helpless and at a loss. She came home, took a very long nap and woke up just fine! We went out to eat last night with no issues......and she went to bed fine. When she woke up that early babbling this morning I got up with her, fed her some yogurt, a banana and some milk.....then I put her back in bed and she was asleep (or at least I was) by 4:30 am......and she slept until almost 9 am. She has been fine today......

Chris and Madisyn got up early this morning (yes, at 3 am with Lyza...but I was the only one who physically got up) and headed to the beach. They found many seashells and some sand dollars. They came home with lunch around noon and I spent the morning cleaning up for our exit out of Florida tomorrow. I don't know if I will ever have it fully as clean as I would like...but I am doing the best I can! :-) Chris and I went to Walmart this afternoon to restock a few items in the house and to get diapers and some art supplies for Maddy so she could make some of her own souveniers....she is working on those this evening and has had a really good time makeing the surprise gifts!

This afternoon Maddy and Chris went "shark" hunting again and CAUGHT ONE!!! YES...I GOT PIC'S. he wasn't "Jaws" but you would have thought he was......then after only Maddy got pic's of Chris holding him, Chris let it go and I yelled at him to go get it...I hadn't gotten any pic's of Madisyn with it!!!!!!!!!! And do you know, the man went after it and caught it by the tail with his hands!!!!!!! What an awesome dad!!!! So..I got pic's of the kiddos with the little shark too!! That made for an awesome end to our vacation!! I can't wait to get home and post a few pic's of him!

We leave out tomorrow morning very early and I will be happy to get home to my smelly critters! Have I mentioned how much I miss them? Chloe is going to look like a giant when we get home!



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