Monday, January 17, 2011

Photo Diary of an Uncooperative Kid!

I really do have good photography just depends on the "subject". I think I need to start photographing nature, fruit, vegetables or something :-) Those things sit still and cooperates! My four year old, Lyza, is in the habit of NOT cooperating! Now can you believe that? I am sure you can from these funny photos! I am hoping it is the age, though I NEVER had this trouble with Madisyn! She' a funny girl, hard headed and has a mind of her own. IF she wants her pictures taken she is all smiles and I get aweome ones, if she is NOT in the mood.....well, we are just out of luck and get photos like these (though I am still laughing inside at them!). Hard Headed little Guatebaby! I liked this super cute outfit...the little schoolgirl style and wanted to photograph her in. I got photographs alright, not what I had hoped for though! Enjoy them just the same though!

I don't know why she thought this would be funny to stick her leg in the air! Uggg!

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